Apparently this thing has rules. These are the rules...
1. You post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions your presenter gave you.
3. You pass the award on to 11 other bloggers.
4. Compose 11 new questions for your recipients.
So... eleven random facts about myself....
1) I am 37 year old grandmother. I was seventeen when I had my daughter and she was nineteen when she gave birth to hers. I was priviledged to be at my grandaughter's birth and I like to think we share a special bond, mostly this consists of her trying to pull my necklace off and me stopping her.
2) I've finished the NaNoWriMo challenge five times out of the eight I've tried it. This doesn't prove I'm a good writer, but does prove the efficaciousness of a looming deadline.
3) I own two guitars. I cannot play either of them. Well, I know about four chords. This is the limit of my musical expertise. They do ramp up the coolness factor of my bedroom though.
4) I don't drive. I took two lessons and scared the life out of myself. I thought I was travelling way too fast at 20 mph. I will always be one of lifes pedestrians. And never the designated driver. Which is fine by me.
5) I am afraid of heights, the dark, horses and things with spinning blades. I do not really consider these to be a problem, just a really well developed sense of self-presevation. After all, plenty of people are scared of spiders but no-one ever got their skull caved in by a skittish orb-weaver.
6) I have a fascination for all things weird and morbid. One of my favourite places in the city is its lovely cemetary, and I love a good documentary about freaks of nature. If it's weird, then I'm all over it. I'll take weird over banal every day of the week.
7) I am a published poet. Back in my teens I had a couple published in a magazine and one displayed as poem of the month in every library in Bradford. I've also, in the last couple of years, had a couple published on Pigmy Giant. Despite this, I scored pretty badly on poetry on my uni creative writing assignments.
8) I have a Diploma in Creative Writing And Literature. This means I have letters after my name and can throw together a story. Sometimes. I also discovered whilst acquiring this diploma that I am a terrible student. Usually starting the assignments mere days (and in one case hours) before the deadline. Deadlines are awesome, it's amazing what you can produce when they are flying towards you.
9) I am an avid Stephen King fan. My bedroom has several shelves devoted just to his books. I read my first (Misery) at 13 and have been collecting them ever since. Only a couple more and I've got pretty much a full set of his novels.
10) I like to walk barefoot outside. There's nothing quite like feeling the earth beneath your feet, whether that be scorching pavement, wet grass or soft warm moss. This does mean I usually have filthy feet in the summer.
11) I've only been abroad once. I was eleven years old (I think) and I went to Amsterdam with the brownies. The ferry crossed back in a force 9 gale and I, for once, was not travel-sick. I would like to travel when my kids have grown a little more (and finances allow).
so... the questions my Dad asked...
If you could come back in another life as an animal, which one would you choose to be?
A cat. Cats are awesome. They sleep when they like, wake up, kill things for pleasure and generally rule the roost. Yup, definitely a cat.
Have you ever owned one of those cars that whatever “Could” go wrong with it, “Did” go wrong? Never owned a car.
Do you believe in other world life forms? Yes, I think there's definitely something out there. I'm not sure it will be found in my lifetime, but yes.
If you had to spend a year on a desert island with just one celebrity for company, who would you choose? This is a hard one. I'm not much of a celeb person. Someone I could have a laugh with so probably a comedian. Adam Hills. Australian comic. Very funny guy.
Which band or entertainer would you most like to see in a live performance?
I would have said Queen, but Freddie is no longer with us. I would love to see Sxip Shirey's Hour Of Charm, especially f it has my favourite artist Jason Webley playing in it.
If you could alter just one physical aspect of yourself, what would it be?
I would love to be tall and slim. Slimmer is a possibility but I think I'm stuck with being a short-arse.
I have been told I am a Jack Russell, which breed of dog would you say you share characteristics with? A labrador. Loyal, sometimes daft, always up for a walk, chews a lot.
If you could choose any make or model of car to own for free, which model would you have?
A VW campervan. A green one. With a split window at the front (and someone to drive it. Obviously)
Which do you prefer, the quiet of the countryside, or the hustle-bustle of the city?
The countryside. I find cities too busy.
Do you have a favourite colour and number? And do you know why?
I don't have a favourite number but I do favour even numbers, they just sound nicer. As for colours, I like blues, purples and greens. My absolute least favourite colour is yellow.
What is your favourite film and book?
I hate this question! How can you choose only one? Currently my favourite film is probably Hedwig And The Angry Inch. Favourite book? Impossible. The one I've re-read most often is probably Stephen king's 'On Writing'. I actually read my first copy into tatters.
Eleven questions for you....
1. If you could pick any name instead of the one you have, what would it be?
2. What is your favourite cryptid?
3. Choose a superpower!
4. What actor would play you in a biopic of your life?
5. What was the last book you read?
6. Have you ever sent a rude text to the wrong person?
7. If you could only use one takeaway for the rest of your life, what sort would it be?
8. Which lessons did you love and hate at school?
9. What have you lost in the house that never turned up?

11. Where is your favourite place in the world?
I don't know eleven bloggers so here's three...
Jonathan Lawrence
Cheers Dad! Love ya xxx
*The picture is now up! Cheers Dad!
A great post L.
ReplyDeleteI had a few chortles reading through this, and I see you have included Nickie O'Hara in your list, how the hell did I miss her off mine?
Loves ya loads.