Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year Evolutions

So, that's 2012 out of the way; another non-apocalypse survived, a year of onscreen sport almost completely avoided, celeb news ignored and another birthday notched up. And it's customary at this time of year to decide how this next year is going to be better. How one is going to be fitter, healthier, wealthier and happier. Or in other words, how not to fuck up this year as badly as we did last year. I am not immune to this.

A couple of years ago, I decided either I would have to change everything in my life, or just give up. Entirely. Big sweeping changes. Some of these changes were emotionally very hard, not just for me, but for those closest to me. The breaking eggs metaphor never seemed so apt. But, I made those changes. Some are easier than others. And some things are easier to change when you know it just has to be done once. And then there's the other things, that remain a daily challenge. Often the hardest things of all.

These are my daily challenges. I will probably fail, a lot, but let's face it, even 100 days on the wagon is better than 365 off.

  • No cigarettes. Ecigs are allowed, but no real ones. 
  • To keep my calorie count what it should be (ie lose weight, but you can't lose every day, I'm hoping it will be a happy side effect)
  • To give exercise every day. Usually this will be just dragging the dog out for a half hour walk. This ties in with the losing weight. 
  • Write every day. 

To help me with this, I'm using the internet. I have the attention span of a housefly, it helps to be nagged, cajoled, prodded and downright bullied into remembering things.

For the calorie counting and exercise, I'm using Food Focus
For the writing, I'm using a site called 750 words , I may or may not post the wordage on here too. Depending on what I've actually written.
For the smoking? I'm not really going to keep track of that.

Let's see how we do this year! 

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